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Ultimate Guide to Mass Save® Rebates 2024

by | Sep 16, 2023 | 0 comments

How can Mass Save® help you:

Massachusetts residents, if you’re considering upgrading your heating equipment, there’s good news for you! The Mass Save® program is currently offering rebates to residents who are looking to replace their old heating systems with modern heat pumps or high-efficiency furnaces. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you need to know:

Will Mass Save rebates go down in 2024?

The short answer is that it depends on what you want. Rebates for heat pumps remain unchanged, but fossil fuel heating and water heating systems are ending in 2024. To get the rebate you must have your system installed by August 31, 2024. It’s essential to note that rebates from Mass Save can change at any time.  This underscores the importance of acting quickly when considering heating system upgrades.


Residential HVAC Rebate Changes
Equipment Type 2023 2024
Air Source Heat Pumps Partial Home $1,250 per ton $1,250 per ton
Air Source Heat Pumps Whole Home $10,000 per Home* $10,000 per Home*
Hot air furnace with ECM (nat. gas) 95% AFUE – Tier II $500 per unit $400 per unit**
Hot air furnace with ECM (nat. gas) 97% AFUE – Tier II $1,000 per unit $700 per unit**
Hot air furnace with ECM (propane) 95% AFUE – Tier II $500 per unit $400 per unit**
Combined Condensing Boiler 95% AFUE $1,200 per unit $900 per unit**
*$16,000 for income qualification

**Fossil fuel equipment must be installed by August 31, 2024 and the rebate application submitted/postmarked no later than September 30, 2024 to be eligible

The Power of Mass Save Rebates

Mass Save is a collaborative initiative sponsored by Massachusetts’ natural gas and electric utilities and energy efficiency service providers. The program aims to provide residents with the information and tools they need to make their homes more energy-efficient. As part of their efforts to promote energy savings, they offer rebates to homeowners making significant energy improvements, including the replacement of heating equipment.

How to Qualify for the Rebates

Before you can capitalize on these generous rebates, the first step is to schedule a home energy assessment with Colt Home Services. This assessment will provide a comprehensive report on your home’s current energy efficiency, suggest areas for improvement, and make you eligible for the Mass Save rebates.

An energy specialist from Colt Home Services will evaluate your home’s existing energy use and then make recommendations on how to improve its efficiency. This can range from sealing air leaks to installing insulation or even upgrading your heating system. Once the assessment is complete, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to make energy-saving improvements and apply for the relevant rebates.

Schedule Now for Maximum Savings

If you’re a Massachusetts resident keen on improving your home’s energy efficiency while capitalizing on available rebates, there has never been a better time. Start by booking a home energy assessment with Colt Home Services, and set your home on the path to better efficiency, comfort, and savings. Don’t let another year pass by and potentially miss out on even higher rebates. Make your home energy-efficient today!

More information about rebate options

Enhanced Rebates based on income eligibility 

Last year, the Sponsors of Mass Save launched Enhanced Heating & Cooling Equipment Rebates, increasing the rebate available to $16,000 if you live in a one to four unit home, your household income meets certain eligibility requirements, and you’re replacing an existing oil, propane, or electric resistance system with heat pumps. See detailed eligibility criteria.

Whole-Home Rebate

The Mass Save whole-home rebate of $10,000 is available if you make weatherization updates and install air-source heat pumps to heat and cool your entire home. To verify this the pre-existing heating system must be disconnected and you must complete the Mass Save verification form. To get a Whole-Home Rebate, a home energy assessment, and any recommended insulation are required to get the rebate. The weatherization work must also be completed within 6 months of installing the heat pump to get the rebate.

Partial-Home Rebate

Even if you’re not replacing your entire HVAC system with air source heat pumps, or just using them to heat and cool part of your home, the Mass Save partial-home rebate is a great option. Unlike the Whole-Home Rebate, to get the partial home rebate you don’t have to have any recommended insulation installed. With that said it is highly recommended. Also, if you get over $1,000 of weatherization work done along with a partial displacement heat pump you will get a $500 bonus rebate on top of all other rebates.

Checklist for getting Mass Save heat pump rebates

Learn more on this topic

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